Andrew Damon

Andrew is a (soon to be) Software Engineer with a minor in Cybersecurity. Ever since his first semester, he has participated in ISU’s Cyber Defense Competition (CDC). He also keeps busy by TAing for classes like CprE 308 and CprE 331. In his free time he enjoys messing around with Raspberry Pis/Linux VMs or playing video games.

Freya Gaynor - Meeting Scribe & Report Manager

Freya is a Software Engineer originally from Sandy Hook, Connecticut. While she’s currently working as a front-end developer, she has a special interest in cybersecurity, and took part in the Cyberdefense Competition at Iowa State several years in a row. When she’s not working or handling assignments, she loves to read (mostly fantasy), work on some personal programming projects, or play Dungeons and Dragons with her friends.

Skand Gupta

Skand is a computer engineer specializing in Security and Artificial Intelligence. He spent his childhood around Europe and Asia. Outside of school, his hobbies are soccer and travelling.

Sydney Ehlinger

Sydney is a Software Engineer from Urbandale, IA. Within software engineering, her main focus is backend development. Outside of school Sydney enjoys sewing, knitting, and reading Stephen King novels.